Chair's Research on Hanoi's moto-taxis in the news
Danielle Labbe
Danielle Labbé and Blaise Gascon Bordeleau interviewed by ForUM about moto-taxis and intermodality in Hanoi. Read more.
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Filtering by Category: Hanoi
Danielle Labbé and Blaise Gascon Bordeleau interviewed by ForUM about moto-taxis and intermodality in Hanoi. Read more.
In July 2016, the English-language magazine The Word published a special issue exploring Vietnam's suburbia. Danielle Labbé was interviewed for two pieces including a stunning photo-reportage by photographer Julie Vola on Hanoi's "ghost towns" aptly titled "Where the streets have no name".
The suburban landscape of Hanoi. Photo: Julie Vola
On June 19th 2016, UdeM's masters student in urban planning was interviewed by VTV (Vietnam's national television) on the Do-it-yourself initiative "Think Playground" in Hanoi which he studies with two other student-members of the CRC in Sustainable Urbanization in the Global South (Jules Laurent-Allard and Gabriel Larue). The clip of his interview is here (minute 17).